One (new) point here is the set-up removes any choice, to have govt-$ you MUST connect to ALL NAPs, to get connectivity to all govt-$ nets you must connect to all NAPs. How about making the NAPs a marketplace on day one! and make govt-$ only subject to connectivity to a (high) percentage of hosts on the Internet. Let the service providers choose their mechanisms, NAPs, GIX, CIX, ....
To get connectivity to the U.S. academic community you DO NOT have to connect to all NAPs. Probably not even one, if you prefer. The change is that you cannot blindly fling all your R&E traffic at a U.S. Government-supported entity. THE U.S. R&E community is transitioning to a state in which it purchases its commodity-level data networking in the same way it acquires other commodities - from the marketplace; they're going to start buying their groceries at the supermarket just like everyone else since we're closing the government commissary.
As an International service provider, I expect each nation to pay for their own network. If non-US ISPs have to pay NSPs for NAP connectivity then the US Internet will be subsidised by the rest of the world! Great for the US I guess, but not so good for global networking.
You don't pay an NSP for NAP connectivity; you pay the NAP for NAP connectivity. If an NSP proposes to charge you for carrying your traffic to their customers, you have the option of making the reciprocal offer. -s