On Sat, 2015-10-03 at 21:37 +0000, Steve Mikulasik wrote:
Looks like Telus is rolling out IPv6 to their ADSL customers. My ISP modem/router is getting a /64 at home. I have a really big smile right now [😊] <http://www.civeo.com/>
If that /64 is on the outside interface, well done - what are you getting on the inside for your own use? If the /64 is on the inside (and not part of a larger supernet, say a /48) then there is little cause for celebration, as you will be limited to one (1) IPv6 subnet in the home. "Better than nothing" is about you could say about that... Regards, K. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au) http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer http://twitter.com/kauer389 GPG fingerprint: 3C41 82BE A9E7 99A1 B931 5AE7 7638 0147 2C3C 2AC4 Old fingerprint: EC67 61E2 C2F6 EB55 884B E129 072B 0AF0 72AA 9882