Rob, we wrote a perl script that scans the mrtg automatically-generated web pages and compares todays Average to yesterday's Average and then sends an e-mail if the diferences is over 3x. This is done every day. If you wanted you could do a similar script, checking every 5 minutes for the 'current in' verses a monthly 'average' and send email acordingly. Scanning the text in the automatically created html page allows you to create any custom crafted rules. Art On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, Rafi Sadowsky wrote:
## On 2002-08-25 23:54 -0700 Rob Mitzel typed:
RM> RM> Hi everyone, RM> RM> Quick question. We're currently using MRTG to monitor traffic on a RM> number of cisco switches connected to various customers. Now, this is RM> all great and everything, except there's no real way to monitor if a RM> customer's traffic goes completely out of whack (i.e. they start RM> hammering 20 mbps instead of 300kbps) without manually checking MRTG RM> every few minutes (and that'd be kinda time-consuming, you'd think.) We RM> also show individual MRTG pages to our customer base via some handy mods RM> we made.
Try searching <> for "THRESHOLD CHECKING" at which point (hopefully ;-) you can RTFM ..
-- Rafi
Art Houle e-mail: Academic Computing & Network Services Voice: 850-644-2591 Florida State University FAX: 850-644-8722