30 Jan
30 Jan
7:20 p.m.
On 1/30/2011 11:15 AM, Nick Hilliard wrote:
Depends on which IRR you use. The IRRDBs run by RIPE, APNIC and AfriNIC implement hierarchical object ownership, which means that if you're registering their address space, you can only do so if that address space legitimately belongs to you. This isn't the case on third party IRRDBs like RADB, L3 and AltDB.
Which is nice. I just duplicated an ARIN entry in raddb using my maintainer with all other information the same. Since Level 3 pulls based on my as-set + my maintainer list, my entry automatically updates their acl list. Does this mean I can't lie? No. However, IRR's aren't designed to top lying. they are designed to help in management and tracking issues. Jack