Scott Weeks wrote on 9/12/2016 11:31 AM:
I am somewhat in agreement with Mel:
"This thoughtless action requires a response from the community, and an apology from BackConnect. If we can't police ourselves, someone we don't like will do it for us. "
But the first part seems to verge on vigilantism. Solutions are hard. BGP filters should be in place. Maybe that's the non-vigilante response. Force filters somehow.
However, this has all been discussed over and over here... ;-)
I agree that Mel's response is well reasoned and thoughtful. Regarding my mention of a pattern of fraudulent behavior: RIPE indicates that BackConnect has recently announced 55 IP prefixes via BGP (https://stat.ripe.net/widget/as-routing-consistency#w.resource=AS203959), even though they only appear to have 5 IP4 allocations and are currently only announcing 8 /24 prefixes. Given BackConnect's position as an anti-ddos provider it would not be unusual for them to announce the IP space of other organizations. One would likely need to confirm with the owners of each of these 55 prefixes as to whether BackConnect had authorization to announce this address space. Based on the announcement of, it appears that BGP filters are either not in place for BackConnect or are modified without sufficient procedures to verify authorization.