Depends on the duration and goals of your capture... 1TB is 2.276 hours at 1Gb/s If you need to capture it all and store it forever well sorry. If you just need the flows and not the packets sampled netflow can reduce youre requirements by many orders of magnitude, ultimately it really depends on your goals. if you need to capture more data for a shorter duration probably write speed rather than capcity is the issue 20Gb/s is 2.5GB/s which requires a pretty healthy disk array to write to disk... On 4/12/12 13:25 , Maverick wrote:
Hello Everyone,
Can you please comment on what is best solution for storing network traffic. We have been graciously granted access by our network administrator to capture traffic but the one Tera byte disk space is no match with the data that we are seeing, so it fills up quickly. We can't get additional space on the server itself so I am looking for some external solutions. Can you please suggest something that would be best for Gbps speeds .
Best, Ali