I'm seeing an increasing variety of misguided SPAM blocking techniques such that they are starting to become more and more annoying, and, I'm curious as to what solutions/work-arounds others have deployed, and, if anyone has any ideas on how to get these tactics reduced/stopped? Here's the primary hinderance. I use an authenticated TLS-protected mailhost at home for submitting my email for delivery. Unfortunately, networks have taken to: outright blocking 25 and 587 except to their own servers. proxying all 25/587 connections in a manner incompatible with TLS proxying all 25/587 connections in a manner incompatible with SMTPAUTH blocking TLS startup on 25/587 connections Primarily, I have run up against this in the following networks: SPRINT Cellular network (can no longer send email from my phone) Public wireless networks Hotel networks Other WiFi hotspots Some DSL providers networks I can't imagine that these tactics actually do anything to significantly reduce the amount of spam delivered to the internet, so, I'm curious as to: 1. Why are they used? 2. How do we convince operators to abandon them? 3. How prevalent is this problem, and, is it growing as I perceive? Owen