At 11:54 AM +0200 2002/08/29, Jeroen Massar wrote:
But as long as you live that's better than letting them have their ways now is it.
It's still the death of a thousand cuts. Yes, it buys us time, but we have to use that time wisely to get real socio-legal solutions. And we have to get people to agree that the only thing it really does is buy us time, so that we can get real socio-legal solutions faster -- hopefully, in time to save the patient.
Now stop the anal-ogies and come up with something that will _stop_ the crackdealing.
I could say the same to you.
b) A few weeks ago I counted over 200 open relays simultaneously spewing the same spam at us.
Thats where RBL's are for, they close them up, if you had used an RBL your box would simply deny those relays at all, block them IP based and bingo no spewing from them.
That's assuming that all those open relays were on one of the blacklists. Even then, they'd still hammer his machines with connections.
Because sooner or later you can't see out the grated windows any more or get some air through them, and you're afraid to go outside...
Never been in the city (those places where more than 100k people live) now have you ?
Yeah, I have. Those people still leave their apartments on occasion. -- Brad Knowles, <> "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania. GCS/IT d+(-) s:+(++)>: a C++(+++)$ UMBSHI++++$ P+>++ L+ !E W+++(--) N+ !w--- O- M++ V PS++(+++) PE- Y+(++) PGP>+++ t+(+++) 5++(+++) X++(+++) R+(+++) tv+(+++) b+(++++) DI+(++++) D+(++) G+(++++) e++>++++ h--- r---(+++)* z(+++)