-----Original Message----- From: Patrick W.Gilmore [mailto:patrick@ianai.net] Subject: Re: First Post! Annoying Debate at Work.
Please do not take this the wrong way, but I thought it was useful input. Perhaps not to you, but maybe to those who think that getting their MCSA will teach them all they need to know.
It seems as though you MAY not be up to date on the MCSA. It stands for "Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator", FYI. To obtain the MCSA certification, I took the following exams: Exam 70-218: Managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Environment Exam 70-215: Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Exam 70-210: Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Exam 70-216: Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure One who thinks these exam topics cover (as you say" "all they need to know", should really investigate this certification.
Some of the things you asked were extremely basic.
What "things" were these? I can only find one question in my entire email that requests a response which was: "What's your take and why?", which was obviously referencing the previous statement: --------------------------------------------------------- The argument non-persuasively put is as follows: Is a USB Ethernet Adapter a "converter"? Personally, I say "no". My coworkers seem to say "yes". --------------------------------------------------------- What this means my friend, is I wouldn't ever refer to a USB Ethernet Adapter as a "converter". A few co-workers seem to disagree, hence my request for the opinion of the nanog community.
I've never taken any of the certifications you list, but I thought they would cover the basics - especially after 3 of them (from 3 different vendors, I think?)
Unfortunately, MS and Cisco certifications do not generally cover the opinions of those who would and wouldn't classify an Ethernet Adapter as falling under the broad "converter" definition. If you feel that an Ethernet Adapter is a "converter", I suggest taking a different approach.
All that said, if you don't at least start asking, you will never find out.
Asking what? I'm not sure what you're talking about here, but I have received great responses from many people here who actually contributed to this discussion.
So I would not take this as an attack on you personally - lots of people answered took the time to answer your questions, asking not even
a favor in return as payment.
The people who responded helpfully to my post, will receive any help and assistance in the future from me as a fellow nanog'er; without the POINTLESS sarcasm and flaming.
I would take it as a note to people with certifications or going for certifications that a cert != clue.
I agree here 100%. However you have also made it very clear that no_cert != clue.
(Did any of those certs have labs, or just multiple-guess tests?)
Google is your friend. http://www.microsoft.com/learning/mcp/mcsa/requirements.asp http://www.cisco.com/en/US/learning/le3/le2/le0/le9/learning_certificati on_type_home.html
P.S. I kinda expected as much from MS, but it's sad that a cisco cert doesn't mean much any more. :(
Notice mostly everyone who provided useful feedback on this agreed with my opinion on this. Common sense has nothing to do with certs. Having both isn't a bad trait however. FYI, thanks for everyone who contributed to this.