On Jul 6, 2005, at 3:34 PM, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
Well, maybe I'm too optimistic here, but I believe that if a real solution to the DFZ problem presents itself, the IETF will bend over backwards and then some to shoehorn it into IP.
I'd say yes. You are too optimistic. :-).
But it certainly looks like a small DFZ table and portable address space are fundamentally incompatible.
Well, yes. Of course. If you make the routing locator also be the endpoint identifier, then _of course_ you must deal with the topological significance of the endpoint identifier. It sort of follows. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Unfortunately, I do not believe a host-based solution like shim6 will ever be operationally deployable as it requires a rewrite of kernel stacks and such. I'm told people are already deploying IPv6 stacks that do not support the "mandatory" IPSEC goop and there is an expectation stack developers are going to tack on an optional bit of black magic that is used only in very rare circumstances? I have to admit some skepticism. Rgds, -drc