In your note below you speak of 'moving on to something else' when PPLB comes.
PPLB destabilizes TCP. It elicits erroneous retransmissions, squanders capacity and lowers performance.
I would actually dispute this. I agree that PPLB will *occasionally* lead to out-of-order packets, which will lead to lower TCP performance *when it happens*. To many customers this is acceptable as long as PPLB gives them improved performance *most of the time*. And this is what we saw very clearly at my previous employer - PPLB worked very well, and gave clearly increased performance, *most of the time*. As mentioned in another message, I don't really believe PPLB is coming. Instead I believe PPLB is something which is probably being *less* used now than a few years ago, since other link bundling methods are more easily available now (than they were a few years ago) - and these link bundling methods occur at a layer below TCP, and are invisible to TCP (no packet reordering problems). Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,