Mike, Support came in a later 12.4T train release, although you're probably best going to 15.0M at this point. You need advanced IP services,Advanced enterprise services or SP services. Consult cisco.com/go/fn. Both VRF and VRF-lite IPV6 support are under the same feature, but I forget what it's called in FN (IPV6 VPN, 6PE, or something similar). IP base and Advanced security are confirmed to not work. I went through this about a month ago. I wish Cisco would include feature parity for features between ipv4 and ipv6 like they recently announced on Catalyst products. This would help encourage ipv6 adoption in cases where it's otherwise discretionary. The lack of this particular missing feature (IPV6 VRF-lite support) affected IPV6 deployment for us in general on internet routers due to the financial costs of licensing advanced IP services. On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 7:14 AM, harbor235 <harbor235@gmail.com> wrote:
Has anyone been able to configure ipv4 and ipv6 AFI with VRF instances simultaneously? Using the 7200 and 12.4(25e), under the ipv6 address family the VRF sub commands are not visible, must be a feature?
thanx in advance,