Paul, I just wanted to point out that you're a horrible person for employing people at a sustainable level, for giving away the product of your company for free, and for having the temerity to assist the FBI, on break-even basis ensuring that users of the internet continue to have access to DNS. HOW DARE YOU SIR? Andrew On 5/30/2012 10:06 AM, Paul Vixie wrote:
On 2012-05-30 12:53 AM, Nabil Sharma wrote:
Where can we read details about the services ISC provided to the FBI, and how they were compensated? it's in the AP News article published a few weeks ago. for an example:
As Mahatma Gandhi says: it is difficult, but not impossible, to conduct strictly honest business.
Sincerely, Nabil the FBI's business dealings are transparent in this case. judge for yourself whether it's also strictly honest.