Does anyone but me agree that the Internic's current address allocation policy is counter-productive? I've been trying for three weeks now to get a block of addresses assigned to me for re-assignment to my customers. I run the non-profit Internet in the whole state of Iowa and the Internic asks me to tell them *ahead of time* how many hosts there will be and the subnet and masking policy for this block. How the H*** am I supposed to know that? Since I sent in this request, I have had *legitimate* requests for over 40 class C-sized blocks. If I have to go to my regional providers block to satisfy them, it will just contribute to the global routing table explosion. My regional provider, Midnet, tells me that to get the last CIDR block, they had to put in over 16 man-hours convincing the Internic that their request was valid. This is from a Regional that serves 7 states! Is this crazy, or what? Now, what do we do about it? Paul Lustgraaf "Its easier to apologize than to get permission." Network Specialist Grace Hopper Iowa State University Computation Center Ames, IA 50011 515-294-0324