Cloudflare's status page acknowledged a recursive DNS issue as of a few minutes ago. Lots of reports of problems on the Outages list and Reddit. From their status page: *Investigating*- Cloudflare is investigating issues with Cloudflare Resolver and our edge network in certain locations. Customers using Cloudflare services in certain regions are impacted as requests might fail and/or errors may be displayed. Data Centers impacted include: SJC, DFW, SEA, LAX, ORD, IAD, EWR, ATL, LHR, AMS, FRA, CDG Jul17,21:37UTC On 2020-07-17 5:38 p.m., Chris Grundemann wrote:
Looks like there may be something big up (read: down) at CloudFlare, but their status page is not reporting anything yet.
Am I crazy? Or just time to give up on the internet for this week?
-- @ChrisGrundemann