HE's downstream cone does not include a whole lot of residential ISPs. if you further exclude the ones that are multihomed you're left with a pretty small subset. that said they (HE) can be and are a valuable peer both in v4 and v6. Personally I wouldn't single home to anything that looks tier-1ish but your mileage may vary the residential operators I look at tend to be fairly diversly connected. On 6/3/16 5:46 PM, Josh Reynolds wrote:
You might be one of a handful. On Jun 3, 2016 7:35 PM, "Gary E. Miller" <gem@rellim.com> wrote:
Yo Spencer!
On Fri, 3 Jun 2016 20:13:03 -0400 Spencer Ryan <sryan@arbor.net> wrote:
Yes but HE doesn't serve residential users directly.
Really? I am the only one? Doubtful.
RGDS GARY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703 gem@rellim.com Tel:+1 541 382 8588