On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 15:02:19 EST, Steven Champeon said:
Connect:dhcp.vt.edu ERROR:5.7.1:"550 go away, dynamic user"
Given the number of options available at our end, I can hardly blame other sites for considering this a reasonable rule - I can't think of a scenario we can't fix at our end, as long as the user bothers calling our help desk and asks for help fixing it... (On the other hand, anybody who's filtering certain address blocks because they're our DHCP blocks deserves to be shot, for all the usual reasons and then some..)
Wouldn't catch anyway.
Yeah, but that has 'dhcp' at something other than the 3rd level.. ;) I was more interested in whether a rule like '*.dhcp.*.{com|net|org|edu)' (blindly looking at the 3rd level domain and/or the 4th level for the two-letter TLDs) did any better/worse than having to maintain a list of 7K or so - are there enough variant forms that it's worth enumerating, or is it just that enumerating is easier than doing a wildcard?