On Thu, Apr 02, 1998 at 08:24:41AM -0800, Randy Bush wrote:
CAIDA is hosting a BGP workshop on april 7th in san diego, ca
can we assume that the five day notice is intended to prevent busy folk from attending? randy no, that's what the mbone transmission is for (altho admittedly mbone quality this week might convince even busy/interested people to take a quick jaunt down to temporarily sunny southern CA -- ) the five-day notice lacked any intentional stance of its own timing of workshop to help baptize the new SD-NAP located at SDSC. we assume this NAP will initially be primarily of regional (local peering) and cooperative research interest so did send out paper invitations to local ISPs [stage dir: k holds 3 fingers up and pulls them down one by one counting down till randy asks how k defines 'local'...] k