Indeed, for example is hosted at LINX and is reachable globally by this kind of setup.. Steve On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Jared Mauch wrote:
While a good idea, not everyone can announce or reach the IX fabrics that they connect to or are out there.
One solution to that problem is to have the IX operate a zeebra/gated/whatnot box (or router+machine combo) that announces a /24 and as part of connecting to the IX people are required to peer (and provide transit) for that /24 for the "good of the internet".
This would allow everyone that connects to the IX to see the benifits of having a close (to their network that is) dns server as well as if my provider does not announce the DE-CIX, LINX, mae-e, mae-w, paix, nyiix, or whatever space to me, i can still reach a server placed at the IX via their network or via their peers/upstreams.
- Jared (very rough ui)
On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 04:07:09PM +0200, Nipper, Arnold wrote:
As a lot of people are offering secondary services: may be it's a good idea to place infrastructural services at IXP. IXP seem to be more stable than any ISPs and often more neutral than ISPs.
Arnold -- Arnold Nipper, DE-CIX, the German Internet Exchange email: mobile: +49 172 2650958 handle: an6695-ripe
----- Original Message ----- From: "Sabine Dolderer/Denic" <> To: "Jan-Ahrent Czmok" <> Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <> Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 9:43 AM Subject: Re: Re: KPNQwest server.
DENIC runs currently several secondarys (not only DE but also for some other TLDs) in different places worldwide. We are willing to offer secondary service for other ccTLDs. But there will be because of security/stability reasons a limit on the number of ccTLDs we want to run on a single machine.
-- Sabine Dolderer DENIC eG Wiesenh�ttenplatz 26 D-60329 Frankfurt
eMail: Fon: +49 69 27235 0 Fax: +49 69 27235 235
Jan-Ahrent Czmok An: Joao Luis Silva Damas <> <czmok@gatel. Kopie:,,, net>,,, Gesendet von:, owner-lir-wg@ Thema: Re: KPNQwest server.
06.06.2002 01:29
PostedDate: 06.06.2002 01:29:37 $MessageID: <> From: SendTo: Joao Luis Silva Damas <> CopyTo:;;;;tech-l@ams-;;;
Subject: Re: KPNQwest server. Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 5.0.8) with ESMTP id 2002060601283597:15602 ; Thu, 6 Jun 2002 01:28:35 +0200 Received: from ( []) by with smtp id 17FkCg-0004uX-00; Thu, 6 Jun 2002 01:28:34 +0200 Received: (qmail 11455 invoked by alias); 5 Jun 2002 23:28:15 -0000 Received: (qmail 11452 invoked by uid 66); 5 Jun 2002 23:28:15 -0000 Delivered_To: PRINCIPAL: Jan-Ahrent Czmok <> In_Reply_To: <p05111700b92449b9ddee@[]> References: <> <> <p05111700b92449b9ddee@[]> Organization: Global Access Telecommunications Inc. $Mailer: Sylpheed version 0.7.6claws16 (GTK+ 1.2.10; i386-debian-linux-gnu) X_Ncc_RegID: de.gatel MIME_Version: 1.0 Precedence: bulk X_Loop_Detect: RIPE NCC SMTPOriginator: RouteServers: CN=notes/O=Denic RouteTimes: 06.06.2002 01:28:36-06.06.2002 01:28:38 DeliveredDate: 06.06.2002 01:28:38 DENICDOCOPENCOUNT: 1 $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on notes/Denic(Release 5.0.8 |June 18, 2001) at 06.06.2002 01:28:36;MIME-CD by Notes Client on Sabine Dolderer/Denic(Release 5.0.6a |January 17, 2001) at 06.06.2002 09:32:28;MIME-CD complete at 06.06.2002 09:32:28 BlindCopyTo: WebSubject: Re: KPNQwest server.
On Thu, 6 Jun 2002 01:08:46 +0200 Joao Luis Silva Damas <> wrote:
At 11:04 -0700 5/6/02, Randy Bush wrote:
Given the current situation of KPNQwest and the possibility of its services going offline sometime soon, the RIPE NCC in agreement with KPNQwest will be temporally hosting this server ( in its premises.
nice emergency hack and sorry to whine. but i used them both to get diversity.
Hi Randy,
there are 16 ccTLDs for which and are both secondary. So we will definitely request those ccTLDs to look for a new host as soon as possible.
Hi Randy, hi Joao, dear routing-wg,
probably my Company (GATEL, AS13129) is able to host a secondary server for the ccTLDs.
The question is rather what are the hardware "requirements" for the secondary server.
We have sufficient bandwidth capacity available and rack space as well.
The rest can take bit more time to think what they want to do since will keep running.
Well done ! Congrats for the good ideas and coordination work.
We are offering secondary service on for any ccTLD that we weren't sencodaring for, as are other people.
The idea is not to have running for ever, just to enable people to have time to take rational decisions, without the fear of having the server going away because of some unexpected turn of events.
when in less of a panic, please move it to moscow or something.
Panic? what panic? this is just common sense
right. it's not panic.
-- Jan Ahrent Czmok - Senior Network Engineer - Access Networks Global Access Telecommunications, Inc. - Stephanstr. 3 - 60313 Frankfurt voice: +49 69 299896-35 - fax: +49 69 299896-66 - email: