Hello all,

I know this is primarily a networking list, but I know lots of server admins hang out here.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a self-hosted, on premise, platform as a service layer for k8s (specifically k3s)?

I have written up some context here:


tl:dr : I have about 70 to 200 apps / (micro) services that will need to run across a handful of k3s servers . I already have HA database/networking/certificate/application load balanacer/authentication stacks in production use, I am currently running the actual websites/applications on a single Ubuntu LAMP server and want to build out an HA runtime layer for all the properties/applications and need a way to orchestrate k3s/metallb

Rancher rio has come up a few times in my research: https://bram.dingelstad.works/blog/finding-the-right-paas-for-k8s/

In addition to the web apps , I will also will be running a number of r&d applications and CUDA enabled containers (across a mix of physical x86/jetson/tegra machines with k3s workers).

Suggestions/comments/questions/flames welcome :)

On or off list as you prefer.