On Oct 25, 2014, at 8:00 PM, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
you just happen to have the view from a third world country look at. http://archive.psg.com/141006.rpki-nanog.pdf slides 4 & 5 or http://certification-stats.ripe.net/?type=roa-v4
Randy - To what extent is the ROA growth rate in the RIPE region (on page 5 of the NANOG slides) enabled by the IRR practices of that region? I do recognize that there are issues (as Wes nicely identified in Baltimore and which we'll be working on) that get in the way of RPKI deployment in the ARIN region, but those issues are not present other non-RIPE regions - yet the number actual ROA's issued still appears to be rather low... Thoughts? /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN