For all intense and purposes its up to the end user. In the case of an isp getting space from Arin it is allocated to them which in their terminology is different than assigned. Isps by having space allocated can then assign or remove the assignment of space they hold pretty much as they see fit as long as the meet the arin suggested minimums. My experienc has been Arin is most concerned with proper use of space fbefore allocating more space than how specific space is assigned and de-assigned. On Mon, 6 May 2002, Ralph Doncaster wrote:
On Mon, 6 May 2002, Forrest W. Christian wrote:
On Mon, 6 May 2002, Ralph Doncaster wrote:
What is the generally accpted timeframe for renumbering? My reading of ARIN policy would seem to imply at least 30 days. [...] The bottom line is the space is theirs and they can do whatever they want with it.
Is that true? I thought the space belongs to ARIN, and they loan it to certain parties. Those parties can use the IPs in accordance with ARIN rules.