On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, Marshall Eubanks wrote:
On Apr 22, 2006, at 5:51 PM, John Palmer (NANOG Acct) wrote:
OK - more: Don't have an answer as to why, but the website comes up with:
"The Google AdSense website is temporarily unavailable. Please try back later. We apologize for any inconvenience."
This is a big deal and it is operational in nature.
It is fully functional at London Heathrow @ 1000 BST (0500 EDT).
Maybe this is / was a middleware issue.
If one observes enough google outages, one would conclude that they then to be localized, and transient. One might conclude further from that observation, that as an ASP they don't have all their eggs in the same basket. The upshot though is that observers with different vantage points are observing different pieces of infrastructure. I personally would question the utility of reporting on a failure of a service without being able to point at least in direction of the piece that failed.
Regards Marshall
----- Original Message ----- From: "Daniel Golding" <dgolding@tier1research.com> To: "'william(at)elan.net'" <william@elan.net>; "'John Palmer (NANOG Acct)'" <nanog@adns.net> Cc: "'nanog'" <nanog@merit.edu> Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 3:58 PM Subject: RE: Google AdSense Crash
-----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu] On Behalf Of william(at)elan.net> On Sat, 22 Apr 2006, John Palmer (NANOG Acct) wrote:
Google Adsense has been down for several hours now. This is the
interface that partners use to manage
their advertising settings.
And this is reported on nanog because...?
Because this is the Internet's most profitable advertising service and ISP's will get complaints if their customers (esp. business customers) can't reach it, even on the weekend. Outage reports are operational, unlike many threads. More, please.
Daniel Golding
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joel Jaeggli Unix Consulting joelja@darkwing.uoregon.edu GPG Key Fingerprint: 5C6E 0104 BAF0 40B0 5BD3 C38B F000 35AB B67F 56B2