Can someone explain this: BGP table version is 4043818, main routing table version 4043818 52606 network entries (146045/157874 paths) using 11039224 bytes of memory 12848 BGP path attribute entries using 1589828 bytes of memory 27663 BGP route-map cache entries using 442608 bytes of memory 0 BGP filter-list cache entries using 0 bytes of memory Dampening enabled. 245 history paths, 46 dampened paths Note the second line. That's up about 7k prefixes from what it was last time I looked. I'm looking through the routing table now and haven't found anything obvious yet. Anybody? Alec -- +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |Alec Peterson - | Erols Internet Services, INC. | |Network Engineer | Springfield, VA. | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+