----- On Aug 25, 2021, at 7:04 AM, Mark Tinka mark@tinka.africa wrote: Hello Mark,
At the home, you typically have someone that is responsible for knowing what to do in case of an outage, and switching over to self-generation. If that person is not there, or has passed out from too many bottles of wine that evening, someone else might think it's just a matter of starting the generator, unwinding a suicide cord and plugging it into the wall - totally forgetting about the main breaker.
At my home, I use this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CONE4MG The interlock kit is installed in such a way that either the main or the generator circuit breaker is closed. If the main is on, you can't switch to generator power, and vice versa (see the pictures on the listing, mine is installed the exact same way). Thanks, Sabri