Yes. Look for NENA (National Emergency Number Association). 20+ years ago, 911 routing required telco connections in each LATA. Some legacy (e.g. copper) still uses LATA-based 911 routing, but a lot of 911 routing (i.e. cell, voip, next-gen voice, etc) has been consolidated to a few service providers' data centers connected via IP. NextGeneration 911 will be essentially 100% IP. Cost, efficiency, etc. On Wed, 2 Jan 2019, Mankamana Mishra (mankamis) via NANOG wrote:
While reading CL network down impacting 911 services, was trying to get more information about how does this network looks like. From end user to center, I guess VOIP is used. Wondering what is the communication method from Emergency service center to end units (Police, Fire or any other services). Do they also use IP ? or its Still Radio only ? if it is IP, do they use Unicast or multicast or broadcast ?
Tried googling, but did not get much information. Any insight would be appreciated.