Well look what was in my in-box this morning! Looks like Barracuda Networks is sending out spam again. Maybe word is getting around about their less that value-full renewal policy. Could it be that people are starting to resent being taken advantage of?? See my response below their message. Seems like they don't remember that I was a fish they already hooked and fleeced. --- SPAM from Barracuda ---- Howdy, Just following up with you about a project you were working on with Barracuda Networks. Checking in to see how things are going for you. Have you had network changes recently or a issue pop up that we can help solve? Let me know if you would like a solution guide for reference. Happy December, --- Message sent in response to the sales droid message from Barracuda --- Hi Jaz, No, things are about the same. I see by your website that you haven't changed a bit and continue to think that it is an honest business practice to charge people for a service and then not to deliver it. When I renew my Barracuda Engergize subscription, THE RENEWAL SHOULD BE FROM THE DATE THAT I RENEW, NOT THE ANNIVERSARY DATE! Many small businesses have cash flow challenges and cannot renew their subscription right at the expirartion date. Where does that leave them? If they have to delay their renewal by three or four months, they then get greeted by your company charging them for an entire year of service when they only actually get 8 or 9 months, since the renewal goes from the anniversary date instead of the anniversary date being reset to the actual date of renewal. As it stands right now, If we were to renew our Energize subscription, We'd have to pay for FIVE YEARS of service but would only get THREE years. If that isn't a rip-off, I don't know what is. I think this is dishonest business practice. I will no longer give money to what I view as a crooked company such as yours. I have posted about this corrupt practice on my blog (http://www.john-palmer.net/wordpress/?p=46) and on facebook. Think I'll "bump" each of those postings to refresh them in the search engines so that people continue to be informed of this practice so that they won't fall into the trap of doing business with your company as we did. Perhaps for your collective New Year's resolution at Barracuda Networks, you can all resolve to operate your business in an honest fashion and provide FAIR value with FAIR business practices in 2012, both of which, in my opinion, you are severly lacking. Maybe then, PERHAPS, we may look at doing further business with you.