I wrote:
Eugene talked the talk *AND* walked the walk. None of you other people have. So pay up. Or shut up. Freedom is freedom. And it has often has a high price. Pay it or lose it. There will be many more who may choose to follow Eugene in the months and years to come. You who have been dragging your heels and delaying
Geoff White replied:
Eugene is not a freedom fighter or a patriot or anything like that.He is a fool, and a stupid fool at that. The only thing that he accomplished by his act was a bit of ego stroking and a lot of grief for the rest of the community.
We shall see what happens in the days and months and years ahead. Only time will tell who is right. What Kashpureff did was imperfect. But what everyone else does is sweet phuck all. TeleVirtually Yours, Bob Allisat Director, World TeleVirtual Network http://www.wtv.net PO Box 191 St E Toronto Canada M6H 4E2 tor@wtv.net (416) 534-1999 http://www.wtv.net/portfolio.html