On Oct 3, 2018, at 2:26 PM, Kevin Miller <kmiller@vantage.com> wrote:
I cannot speak for AT&T, but my T-Mobile iPhones did not receive them either. I was told by support that if you enabled WiFi-calling, you may not receive the alert. If this is true, it seems to be a safety issue as WiFi calling was enabled by default.
Interesting. That seems to be a gigantic hole in this entire process. I do have my iPhone set to WiFi Calling as AT&T’s signal has trouble reaching inside our building very well. FEMA also notes: A dedicated mailbox has been created for all questions relating to the IPAWS National Test. Please e-mail us at FEMA-National-Test@fema.dhs.gov. I e-mailed them with my results as well. Might be worth considering sending a report to that address yourself if you didn’t receive it. If our friend Kim lobs a rocket this way for some reason, I’d kinda like to know about it before the sky turns orange. :-) ---- Andy Ringsmuth 5609 Harding Drive Lincoln, NE 68521-5831 (402) 304-0083 andy@andyring.com