I'm posting this on behalf of Rich Draves, the chair of the IETF Nominations Committee. Please direct any followup questions to Rich at richdr@microsoft.com Thanks, Geoff Huston ---------------------------------------------------- Last week Randy Bush resigned from his position as Operations & Management Area Director for the IETF. This creates a mid-term vacancy that the IETF NomCom needs to fill. Randy's replacement will have a one-year term. Please submit nominations for Randy's O&M Area Director position to nomcom@ietf.org. The deadline for these nominations is noon (Pacific Time) on December 1. Any member of the IETF community may nominate any member of the IETF community for any open position. Self-nominations are permitted. Please also send the NomCom your feedback on the past performance of the incumbents, feedback on potential nominees, or your thoughts on what the NomCom should keep in mind when considering candidates. All input to the nomcom will be kept strictly confidential. Thanks, Rich