On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 8:35 PM Deepak Jain <deepak@ai.net> wrote:
Now I know I'm pushing my luck... but do certain vendors more fully
embrace sFlow than others? maybe one of the whitebox vendors if not one
of the majors?

Hacking support into something isn't the worse thing in the world, but
if there is any experience on this to leverage off of, that is helpful.

Unfortunately, there isn't a publicly available list showing how well or completely vendors have implemented the sFlow specifications:

I have been working on an sFlow test suite to try and address this problem:

The source code for the tests is on GitHub:

The easiest way to run the software is using Docker:

The goal is to compile a list of equipment and network operating systems that pass the tests and publish the results on sFlow.org. Failed tests can be passed to vendors to help them improve their implementations. In addition to identifying feature support, there are also stress tests to ensure accurate results under production workloads (rapid detection of DDoS etc).

Involvement of operators would be great. If there are tests that are missing from the suite, please submit an enhancement request, or even better, a pull request, on GitHub. If you have a test lab and can run the tests on your own hardware, please share the results.

The open source Host sFlow agent, https://sflow.net/, has been ported to a number of white box network operating systems and provides an opportunity for the community to extend sFlow functionality and address issues in the white box ecosystem. Operator involvement in this project would be most welcome.
