On 28/08/17 18:34, Job Snijders wrote:
Finally, it may be worthwhile exploring if we can standardize and promote maximum prefix limits applied on the the _sending_ side. This way you protect your neighbor (and the Internet at large) by self-destructing when you inadvertently announce more than what you'd expect to announce. BIRD has this functionality http://bird.network.cz/?get_doc&f=bird-3.html#proto-export-limit however I am not aware of other implementations. Feedback welcome!
Having just dug up the reference for some strange reason... Back at NANOG38 (2006) Tom Scholl mentioned in a talk on max prefix: "Perhaps maximum-prefix outbound? (Suggested by Eric Bell years ago)" https://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog38/presentations/scholl-maxpfx.pdf Notably Juniper does now have prefix-export-limit, but only for readvertisement into IS-IS or OSPF: https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/reference/configura...