Why content filtering is stupid: ----- Forwarded message from it-alerts@alterpoint.com ----- X-Delivered-To: <schampeo@hesketh.com> From: <it-alerts@alterpoint.com> To: <schampeo@hesketh.com> Subject: AlterPoint Mail Security detected prohibited content in a message sent from your address (SYM:42361956180980318002) Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 23:12:40 -0600 Subject of the message: Re: fixing insecure email infrastructure (was: Re: [eweek article] Window of "anonymity" when domain exists, whois not updated yet) Recipient of the message: "nanog@merit.edu" <nanog@merit.edu> ----- End forwarded message ----- -- hesketh.com/inc. v: +1(919)834-2552 f: +1(919)834-2554 w: http://hesketh.com join us! http://hesketh.com/about/careers/account_manager.html join us!