A friend once commented, "If it's free, -=YOU=- are the product." It should be updated to, "If it's free, -=YOU & EVERYONE YOU INTERACT WITH=- are the product." /herb On Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 10:25 AM John Gilmore <gnu@toad.com> wrote:
It is totally possible to turn off the spyware in MailChimp. You just need to buy an actual commercial account rather than using their "free" service. To save $13 or $20 per month, you are instead selling the privacy of every recipient of your emails. See:
"Check the Track clicks box to enable click tracking, or uncheck the box to disable click tracking. ... Mailchimp will continue to redirect URLs for users with free account plans to protect against malicious links. ... When a paid user turns off click tracking, Mailchimp will continue to redirect their URLs until certain account activity thresholds are met."
Don't forget to turn off the spyware 1x1 pixel "web bugs" that MailChimp inserts by default, too: