On 3 Oct 2016, at 3:57 AM, Martin Hannigan <hannigan@gmail.com<mailto:hannigan@gmail.com>> wrote: ... Disclaimer: Get IPv6. Deploy it. Avoid cost. With that said… Indeed: we are likely to have a rather convoluted market supply curve for IPv4 blocks over the next decade, and those dependent on IPv4 as their primary means of network growth will have unpredictable costs as a result. The theme of the thread is that brokers can be useful. I'd argue they are almost imperative for those wishing to be completely informed. I'm not criticizing, but I'd be careful to understand that along with using the STLS (as well as making transfers) comes additional sacrifice of rights and assumption of liabilities. Marty - 100% agreement… while I am quite willing to explain to folks what I believe makes sense for them regarding transfers, I ultimately must represent the best options with respect to delivery of ARIN’s mission to the community. A broker (and/or informed legal counsel) can provide a view which is solely focused on the address holder’s interests – while this may often lead to the same outcome, that is not assured in all cases. Thanks, /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN