On 15 Jan 2019, at 17:03, C. A. Fillekes <cfillekes@gmail.com> wrote:Whole countries falling off the net? BUT TEH TOP POSTINGS!!!I'm a little frustrated with the very existence of that thread.Trying to constructively change the topic to something more interesting lol.I guess the concerning thing to me is that the whole point of packet switched networks was to provide resilience in the face of e.g. civil disorder.On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 11:50 AM Colin Johnston <colinj@gt86car.org.uk> wrote:sorry top posting,yup whatsup doesnt work in harare.phone circuits land ok though and checked okcolSent from my iPodOn Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 10:34 AM C. A. Fillekes <cfillekes@gmail.com> wrote:So @meileaben on twitter this morning notes:Many#Zimbabwe Internet routes withdrawn around 9:30 UTC amidst civil unrest in the country. near-realtime on#RIPEstat here: https://stat.ripe.net/ZW#OpenNetworkIntelligence#ZimbabweShutdownwondering if anyone here has additional info on that. Looing at stat.ripe.net/ZW now it looks as though one (out of an original 18, current 9) ASN has recovered, but kind of curious as to what exactly happened there.So Bloomberg notes that a number of ISPs were shut down to quell online protesthttps://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-01-15/by-killing-the-internet-zimbabwe-kills-commerce-and-the-lights but are there no work-arounds available, if implemented?