Bruce Schneier seems to think so... ////// By John Oates in Vienna 19th October 2005 RSA Europe 2005 ISPs must be made liable for viruses and other bad network traffic, Bruce Schneier, security guru and founder and CTO of Counterpane Internet Security, told The Register yesterday. He said: "It's about externalities - like a chemical company polluting a river - they don't live downstream and they don't care what happens. You need regulation to make it bad business for them not to care. You need to raise the cost of doing it wrong." Schneier said there was a parallel with the success of the environmental movement - protests and court cases made it too expensive to keep polluting and made it better business to be greener. ////// Let's one up this and blame vendors like Microsoft and hold them liable too. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ J. Oquendo GPG Key ID 0x97B43D89 "How a man plays the game shows something of his character - how he loses shows all" - Mr. Luckey