----- On Feb 16, 2021, at 5:01 AM, Sean Donelan sean@donelan.com wrote:
On Tue, 16 Feb 2021, Rod Beck wrote:
Are the power lines buried like in Europe where I live?
They are not buried everywhere. They are buried in most western EU countries perhaps. But I invite you to go to Ferizaj, Kosovo, for example.
In California, they use rolling blackouts BEFORE wildfires to prevent power line sparking causing wildfires. Not because of damage to the outside plant. In Texas, they use rolling blackouts because they didn't have enough generation capacity online.
I do remember last September being threatened with rolling power outages as a result of the lack of capacity. Check this article in the Mercury News, for example: https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/09/06/california-grid-managers-watching-clo... Thanks, Sabri