On 12 June 2019 6:05:58 pm GMT+02:00, Philip Lavine via NANOG
What is the procedure to have another party to cease and desist in using my AS number?
On 12 June 2019 7:57:52 pm GMT+02:00, Philip Lavine wrote:
Here is what I got from BGPMon- MY AS is 15053
Detected new prefix: ASpath: 394256 174 702 25213 25213 25213 15001 15053
--- fhr@fhrnet.eu wrote: From: Filip Hruska <fhr@fhrnet.eu> Seems the issue was on AS25213 side. They don't provide transit to AS15001 at all. ------------------------------------------------------- Here's how I see it: - <snip> 702 25213 25213 So, Verizon or Telia should be able to help stop Cargotec or DNA in Helsinki, Finland from announcing the prefix to the world. https://bgp.he.net/AS25213#_graph4 https://bgp.he.net/AS16086#_graph4 scott