The subject line is misleading; "the IRR" is a single amalgam of several RRs. Dan Senie wrote:
If common and consistent tools and rules were used to build filters from a SINGLE public database, and if the database site listed contact information and test addresses for each network using the database, I think folks could live with that. The IRR is supposed to be merged of all the regional RRs and be a 'single DBs', but with each registry-user (regional RR) getting to chose its 'preference' for duplicated objects and essentially search order. The issues with ANS and 'radical changes' have at least been consistant since the migration from the PRDB.
With the end of ANS as a seperate network, will there be any network pressure to keep any public routing registry up to date? I would believe it would be hard for CW to migrate away from the 'heavy
How the ARIN RR is supposed to fit in appears to remain ambiguous; it seems like it needs to be just another regional RR, but data exists within the ARIN RR that is not being melded into the IRR at any point at which I can inquire. There is also no discussion about the migration, mirroring, etc of the RA-registered data that "rightfully" lives under the ARIN sphere of influence. Anyway, Merit has a partial, growing list of RRs living at http://www.merit.edu/radb/list.html Sean Donelan wrote: pressure' of the former MCI policies. infopage.cw.net seems to have been updated more than just "s/mci/cw/". I do note that the "which routing registry" subsection only lists the RA, CA*NET, and RIPE in addition to CW; no mention of APNIC, CCAIR, JPNIC, KRNIC, TWNIC, BellCA or LEVEL3. Cheers, Joe -- Joe Provo, Manager 508.229.8400 x 3006 Interconnections and Technology Evaluation Fax 508.229.2375 Technology & Network Development, RCN <joe.provo@rcn.com>