19 Jun
19 Jun
4:08 p.m.
At 04:32 PM 18-06-04 -0500, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
Thus spake "Daniel Golding" <dgolding@burtongroup.com>
The amount of money the FBI would need to spend to tap a VoIP call is highest with the first option, intermediate with the second, and lowest with the last. Some services companies are really salivating for the chance to add CALEA hardware to VoIP networks. I won't mention any particular companies here, as they have taken a recent beating on this list. Piling on seems rather cruel.
Electronic Surveillance Needs for Carrier-Grade Voice over Packet (CGVoP) Service CALEA Implementation Federal Bureau of Investigation Jan 29, 2003 http://www.ictlaw.net/upload/fbivoip.pdf -Hank