2 Feb
2 Feb
9:56 p.m.
Thus spake "Robert E. Seastrom" <rs@seastrom.com>
Of course, the dirty little not-so-secret is that for all the hacks that people have done over the years, inter-AS multicast that doesn't get hosed at the drop of a hat remains an elusive goal(1).
But if this service works for most of the people most of the time, it's achieved enough to justify deployment, no?
Thinking about doing multicast Usenet feeds as a way to cut down the bandwidth in and out of your ISP overlooks the fact that reliable transport for such things doesn't exist.
Ah, but the point of Muse was not to provide reliable news service, but to reduce the average propagation time and provide "good enough" delivery which could be supplanted by a traditional reliable feed. S