Milo S. Medin wrote ...
Cheap, low speed connections to the NAP - We got squeezed by product availability here. We know that there is a bigger market in selling T 1 speed connections to the NAPs than T3 and above. However, we had a requirem ent to support multiple T3's initially (remember that the minimum purpose of the NAPs is to support the existing NSFNET backbone for transition purpose s, the NSPs who are providing access to RNP's and who have a requirement to c onnect to all of the priority NAPs, and the vBNS). FDDI and SMDS weren't going to survive for long under this type of load, but ATM doesn't yet have T1 capabili ty (although it's coming). So, we proposed ATM, starting at 45 and 155 M b/s initially, and extending to 1.5 Mb/s and 622 Mb/s as switching equipme nt becomes available. Believe me, we'll be offering T1 speed connections to the SF and Chicago NAPs just as soon as we can make it work.
Why offer T1 connections? The primary goal of the NAP's in the first phase of the transition is to support the replacement of 1 core NSP with a few NSP's with minimum disruption. THIS is what should be optimized for. Are you confident that all the management procedures and technologies we are deploying will support a gob of T1 NAP attached AS's? This is highly questionable in my mind, esp. with PVC's that have to be configured by hand.
I knew the truth about NAPS would come out. The idea is to squeeze out the small US players and force them to pay the DS3 capable telcos for their access. Is this anti-competative or what! I'm glad I don't operate in the US -----------------------MIME Messages Accepted---------------------- Peter Dawe, Director, Unipalm plc, Email: peter@unipalm.co.uk Managing Director, PIPEX Ltd Voice: +44(0)1223 250100 216 The Science Park, Milton Road Fax: +44(0)1223 250101 Cambridge, England, CB4 4WA WWW: http://www.pipex.net ------------------------------------------------------------------- Government Regulation? The minimum needed to maintain an open and free market for all! -------------------------------------------------------------------