In what city are you located? We provide broadband bandwidth to local ISPs for sale to their customers. As well we work with other wireless companies on these projects. Let me know where you are and we can try to answer your questions. Thanks. At 11:41 AM 2/6/98 -0500, Jeff Studds wrote:
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 1998 16:14:43 -0600 From: "Louis A. Destree" <> Organization: FlashNet Communications To: Subject: High capacity wireless WAN equipment. Sender: X-UIDL: b5c2d72f350ef6173d23ad4bc62b7bab
I'm trying to round up information on wireless WAN equipment. I need T1 and above speeds. If anyone has some information on products or experience I'd be interested in hearing it.
Thanks, Louis -- Louis A. Destree Senior Network Engineer FlashNet Communications
Jeff Studds Internet at Warp Speed phone +1 301 699 1840 Fax +1 301 699 7957 mobile +1 301 580 8552 The Internet: It's not just an adventure... it's a job:-)
=====+++++=====+++++=====+++++=====+++++=====+++++=====+++++===== Bruce M. Kanner CAI WIRELESS SYSTEMS, INC. (direct) 301-977-2023 (pager) 888-556-6176 (fax) 301-975-0172 =====+++++=====+++++=====+++++=====+++++=====+++++=====+++++=====