I once named a Usenet server tatooine, for the vast wasteland that Usenet is. Maybe this thread should be relegated there also. At 10:44 PM 2/2/00 -0500, Brian Wallingford wrote:
Outage reports result in flames, yet this is appropriate for nanog?
========================================================================== Eric Germann Inacom Info Systems egermann@inacomlima.com Lima, OH 45801 Ph: 419 331 9050 ICQ: 41927048 Fax: 419 331 9302 "It is so easy to miss pretty trivial solutions to problems deemed complicated. The goal of a scientist is to find an interesting problem, and live off it for a while. The goal of an engineer is to evade interesting problems :)" -- Vadim Antonov <avg@kotovnik.com> on NANOG