Confirmed here. It's solved with a temporary solution. The ticket is still open with in Telia. -- Raphaël Maunier NEO TELECOMS CTO / Responsable Ingénierie AS8218 On Feb 23, 2011, at 1:15 AM, Arnold Nipper wrote:
on 23.02.2011 00:59 Ryan Gelobter wrote:
Does anyone have some detailed information about the internet issues going on in Sweden and other parts of Europe right now? I've read some reports about a large Telia outage in Sweden indicating a fault somewhere in Frankfurt or London as the cause.
A partner network just reported about Telia having problems with a router in Frankfurt.
Arnold -- Arnold Nipper / nIPper consulting, Sandhausen, Germany email: arnold@nipper.de phone: +49 6224 9259 299 mobile: +49 152 53717690 fax: +49 6224 9259 333