28 Feb
28 Feb
6:51 a.m.
On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 12:29:54AM +0000, Filip Hruska wrote:
OVH is one of the largest server providers in the world - of course they will be at the top of that list.
Of course not. The larger an operation, the greater its responsibility to the rest of the Internet -- because the more damage it can and will do if it's not professionally operated. Moreover, the larger the operation the easier abuse control is and the less tolerance any of us should have for failure. I don't want to hear any clueless whining from ignorant newbies about how-oh-so-terribly-hard-it-is-with-a-billion-users. If you don't know how run it, or you're too lazy, cheap, and stupid to run it, you should never have built it: you're simply not good enough. ---rsk