The NANOG goes through periods of "verbosity", they seem to correlate with "generations" of backbone maintainers.... Much like a teenager, when we first enter the list we know it all... Months/Years later, it is amazing how much we now *don't* know..... The Verbosity seems to correlate to this phenomena... It is my own personal pet theory that we are experiencing the "Next Generation"..... Give it time, soon they will be as dumb as the rest of us...... ;) Keith McCallion wrote:
On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, Joe Shaw wrote:
I think moderating the group might not be such a bad idea. The only problem with this would be getting someone who had enough time to actually moderate the list. I don't know what is going on lately, but it seems egos and animosity are running rampant on both inet-access and nanog. I have been caught up in it myself, and for that I apologize.
Every once and awhile a message is sent to the list that needs immediate propogation. A fiber cut notice that might benefit other companies, things like that. Therefore I'm not sure total moderation would be the right answer. Maybe moderation for the average-user such as myself and allow posts from the more active/knowledgable/important people to go right through without moderation.
Keith ========================================================================== Keith Michael McCallion Network Operations Manager Trippin @ Internet Specialties West 31194 La Baya Dr, Ste 100 (818) 735 3000 Ext. 107 Westlake Village, Calif. 91362 ==========================================================================