--- John Forrister <john@segfault.com> wrote:
Indeed - Cisco's hardware, especially the older, smaller boxes, tended to be really solid once you got them running. I was just pondering a few minutes ago on how many 2500's I configured & installed in 1996 & 1997 are still running today, on code that's no longer supported by Cisco, and which are incapable of taking enough flash to load a newer image.
As a definite example, A client of mine has a 1601 sitting on the end of a T1 running 11.3... They're not interested in spending any money on an upgrade, as the box is doing exactly what they want: running RIP internally, and taking Ethernet-in and Serial-out. -David __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com