23 Feb
23 Feb
6:22 a.m.
On 2/23/10 1:25 AM, Steven Bellovin wrote: ...
And who runs this database?
Local number portability requires a new database, one that didn't exist before, It's run by a neutral party and maps any phone number to a carrier and endpoint identifier. (In the US, that database is currently run by Neustar -- see http://www.neustar.biz/solutions/solutions-for/number-administration)
A circa 1998 leveraged buy out of the Communications Industry Services unit of Lockheed Martin (Warburg Pinkus et al, 71%, MidOcean Capital 14%, ABS Capital 6%, and CEO Jeff Ganek < 3%, as of 2005). There are some NANOG employer entities similarly structured, but not many, so the oddity is worth mention. Eric